Milton's "Paradise Lost" is an epic poem separated into 12 book.
The storry is about how God's creations : humans disobbey Him by eating the forbidden fruit: the apple.
The devil leaves Hell and disguises as an animal and goes to Heaven. He tries to trick Adam and Eve, God's first creations so they can eat the apple. Eve is tricked into eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge because this talking animal tells her that it got so smart and learned how to talk by eating the apple. Adam then eats the apple because he wants to punished together with Eve.
God then wants to punish them: He sents them to Earth and punishes Eve and all thye women by givilng her te ability of childbirth and Adam and alla the men the force of labour and the fact that men have to protect their wives for their whole life.
Adam and Eve then realise thir mistake and apoliogise to God. So God lets them go back to heavn.
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